


There are too many bags claiming to be leather bags on the market, and many people hope to buy a good leather bag. However, many people will be confused by those so-called leather labels, so they gradually don't believe in any leather bags. However, Yantai leather bags are not only those cheating leather bags on the market. Now, let's teach you how to choose Yantai leather bags.

Firstly, the leather bag has certain elasticity, and the touch is different from some other bags. There is a feeling of touching the skin. Secondly, the leather bag does not have the unpleasant plastic smell. Finally, the leather bag is not afraid of blisters and will not peel. If you want to know the detailed method of distinguishing leather bags, Yantai Yinzhu welcomes you to contact at any time, We are a regular Yantai leather bag factory and will choose the real Yantai leather bag for you.